Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week 1 Project - LMO Overview

Bay District Schools has recently incorporated Moodle into its overall district system. Moodle is a Course Management System. It’s a CMS because it allows teachers to manage students and the course.

I turned on the editing feature. It allows me to add another resource, like a link to a Web page or a file. It also allows me to add an activity, quiz, survey, or Wiki. I’m able to assign roles to students, teachers, or allow for guests.

Moodle allows me to keep track of grades, averages, group students or show ranges. As a CMS, the Moodle platform allows me to manage my course and students by providing them with information on upcoming events. I’ve chosen to use a calendar format versus an event format. This is an example of a CMS. Let’s move on to a Learning Management System (LMS).

SuccessMaker (SM) is an example of a LMS. It is an eLearning platform for a school. This is a software program at our school. It’s a LMS because it understands individual learners and skill levels. Through SM you can set up registration for the course by and it performs diagnostics and will place the student in a tailored learning program.

For example, in the 8th grade demo the lesson example focuses on denotative and connotative meanings. Depending on how the student performed on the diagnostic, SM would place the student at a particular level in the program. From there, they would move through the program. SM is also adaptive in that if the student is not fairing well at that placement then the program moves them to a lower level. SM advises the learner and the teacher of student’s readiness to move on to another skill or level.

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