Sunday, March 21, 2010


I used my students to research the Web 2.0 tools. Although I discovered Knowtes during the last exploration and began incorporating the site into the classroom, one of my students discovered, which, like Knowtes, is a site where you can create sets of flashcards or use the ones already created. Quizlet proves to be a superior site for several reasons.

What you can do:
Create Flashcard Sets: Import from your computer, cut and paste from other sets, or type them
Group Studying: Create groups to study, discuss via live chat
Teacher Features: Share materials with online groups, host discussion groups, student notification via email
Ways to Study:
First and foremost, Quizlet has games! After you create the cards there are seven ways to study your cards and four of them are games. They are Familiarize, Learn, Test, and the games are, Scatter, Play Race, Voice Scatter, and Voice Race.

Scatter, scatters definitions and words across the screen and as you match them correctly, they disappear. The students love it.

Space Race: Students kill the scrolling words by typing in their corresponding term and pressing enter. You may kill them in any order, but to win, you have to make sure they don't scroll past the screen. Be alert; the words go by quickly. However, after a few tries, you remember them.

Both of the games have a voice counterpart. The voice component can aid in facilitating phonemic awareness for those students who may have a deficient in that area. However, the site requires access to the microphone in your computer to run it with their program. I’m unwilling to give them access to my Mac; however, I will try to activate those games with my Dell laptop.

Watch the Screenflow. It demonstrates how to utilize the site.

View the video to see how this Website works

Screenflow compliments of

2010. Quizlet. Retrieved March 21, 2010 from

1 comment:

  1. I told my colleague that you are researching vocabulary building and plan to share with her the sites you find to be the best. I am glad you are trying these out.
